Welcome to the Commander Keen in Keen Dreams official store!

Special Sale ! Only $0.49!

Billy Blaze is back!

Game information:

Commander Keen keen dreams was considered the “lost episode” of Commander Keen, a franchise of 2d side scrolling games developed by id software decades ago. This new modernized updated release of Commander Keen reintroduces the legendary side scroller to new and old players with additional new content!

This Definitive Edition includes:

Full widescreen support, no more ugly black bars!

Smooth as butter 60fps gameplay, after all 30fps that’s so next gen consoles…

12 all-new levels – doubling the length over the original

A new full music score!

The game also features a completely new gameplay system structure. It has been reworked to make the game a more modern experience without sacrificing any of the original charm!

Also available at:

Our awesome launcher provided by the awesome folks at Patchkit!

contact us billyblaze@keendreams.com